The Dog Training


Dog Training Tips Your Dog With Thank You For

You have a dog that you wish to enter into the service industry by taking care of special needs individuals. This requires not only a special dog, but also careful training to ensure that the dog will be a good fit for anyone. This article was written to answer some of your questions about dog training.

Make sure your dog's diet is appropriate for him. If your dog is a lazy dog who likes to lounge around all day, you don't want to give him the high protein food a dog who herds sheep would receive. This can cause problems and high vet bills down the road.

Most dogs respond better to positive reinforcement rather than negative punishment. If you're trying to train your dog, reward him for good behavior and only scold him if absolutely necessary. Your dog will remember the reward for good behavior more distinctly than the punishment for bad behavior, making rewarding more effective.

Be generous with rewards when training your dog. Do not be afraid of giving too much praise or too many treats. Rewarding your dog encourages him to continue the behavior that led up to the reward. Do not be afraid of spending too much time with training your dog. It will pay off.

When potty training your dog, be consistent. Establish one, specific place for your dog to do his business. Take him there at the same times daily (e.g. when you first get up in the morning, when you get home from work, and just before bed). Praise your dog when he does his business in the right place at the right time. If he has an accident in the house, tell him "No!" firmly, and take him out to his potty place.

The first step in your puppy training would be to teach him his name. This will create a nice bond between the two of you. You will want to use his name quite frequently, so he learns it and will come to you when you use it. Usually this simple command "come" and their name, are what they learn first. Be sure to spend lots of quality time with your puppy, so that he will learn to know and trust you. This helps to build a relationship that will make it easier to train your puppy.

When training a troublesome dog there are many different techniques that one can use. However a key factor is establishing that one is dominant over the dog they are trying to train. By ensuring that the dog knows who is in charge it will guarantee that the dog is listening to the person trying to train it.

Sometimes a dog trainer must punish their dog. Punishment does not eliminate the behavior the trainer wants to discourage, though; it merely suppresses it. Canny trainers know that punishing a dog only encourages them to hide the behavior for which they are being punished. It is better to entirely replace an undesirable behavior than to punish a pet for engaging in it.

In conclusion, preparing a dog for the special needs service industry, requires not only a special dog and special training techniques, but also a lot of patience and knowledge from the trainer, as well. If you accurately follow the tips and tricks provided in this article, then you should find success with your dog.

If you are looking for more information on how to help your dogs with their training, we can help you find the best professionals to help you. We are always ready to provide the training services that you need for your dogs.


Tips To Train Your Dog And Have A Great Pet

Most dog owners need to spend a lot of time reinforcing positive behaviors in their dog and getting rid of bad behaviors such as chewing or barking. Apply this advice to ensure that your dog is well-behaved and happy.


There are a few tricks you can try when attempting to crate train a puppy or dog. A yummy treat can help to entice a hesitant dog into the crate. The puppy will want to enter the kennel to retrieve the treat. Once in the crate, let them know they did a good job by praising them.

If you are getting a new dog, and you intend to train it, look for a younger dog. The old adage "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" is somewhat appropriate here. Younger dogs are more receptive to dominance from a pack leader and will learn quickly in an effort to please. Another plus to this is that young dogs really enjoy learning new things, much like children do.

While it is definitely possible to teach an older dog new tricks, you want to be mindful of medical issues or conditions that may limit his ability to engage in some behaviors. For instance, if your dog is experiencing arthritis, making it crawl long distances is not very practical. With the right training program, you can inspire your dog to meet his full potential. This is true even for dogs who are more advanced in age. Your first concern needs to be for your pet's health, though. You don't want to subject your dog to unnecessary pain or discomfort.

To successfully train your dog, start by making sure to use its name when you call it. Call your pet by name for feedings, walks and play, but never for punishment. This ensures that you will be able to get your dog's attention once you begin asking for more complex tricks.

Target training can serve as a basis for more advanced tricks. Target training is teaching your dog to touch an object (the target) with his nose or paw. The object can be any item, but once you pick something to use (some trainers use a ball mounted on the end of a stick), stick to it consistently. Once your dog has learned to target the object, you can shape his behavior by placing the object near the next task you want him to learn. Targeting can be used to teach a dog to do everything from closing doors to turning the light switch on or off.

Train your dog! Dog training doesn't stop with sit, stay, and lay down. You can train your dog to do a number of tricks as well. Teaching a dog to sit with a treat on his nose, for example, helps reinforce impulse control. Teaching your dog to "shake hands" with a new visitor gives the dog a cue to accept the visitor and react appropriately.

Teach your dog the basics before trying to teach them more complicated "fun" tricks. It is important to have the basic obedience skills, such as sit, stay, lie down, and come learned before you try teaching tricks like shake and roll over. Although it is tempting just to jump to the fun stuff, having a firm grasp on the basic commands will make learning tricks much easier.

Although your dog may be very unruly, do not despair. With patience and the correct techniques, you should be able to train your dog. Use the information you have read to eliminate hardship connected with training a dog, as well as to maximize those efforts.